
2016年2月10日—Hey,.I'mtryingtocreateachannelwiththeRSSfeedtomyinboxandIcannotfindtheoptiontocreateachannel.,Channelsarenotificationfeedsthatcanbesubscribedto.Creatingyourownchannelsiseasy.Clickheretolearnmore.,Createanewchannel.Channelsarepushnotificationsfeedsthatcanbesubscribedto.Anythingyoupushtoachannelwillinstantlygotoallofthe ...,2014年9月30日—IntroducingPushbulletChannels·Sendoutinstant...

Can't create channels?

2016年2月10日 — Hey,. I'm trying to create a channel with the RSS feed to my inbox and I cannot find the option to create a channel.


Channels are notification feeds that can be subscribed to. Creating your own channels is easy. Click here to learn more.

Create a new channel

Create a new channel. Channels are push notifications feeds that can be subscribed to. Anything you push to a channel will instantly go to all of the ...

Introducing Pushbullet Channels

2014年9月30日 — Introducing Pushbullet Channels · Send out instant updates to club members or teammates (great for reminders or letting everyone know about ...

Pushbullet 'Channels' Add Custom Notifications on Android ...

2014年9月30日 — Pushbullet has added a way to push custom RSS notifications to all your devices, and it's still totally free.

Pushbullet API

Channels can be created on the website. Each channel has a unique tag to identify it. When you push to a channel, all people subscribed to that channel will ...

Pushbullet channel

Pushbullet is an app that makes connections between your devices. Using pushes, you can easily transfer links and notes from one device to another.

Pushbullet notification channel for Laravel

In your pushbullet account go to Account settings (opens new window) page. Click Create Access Token button and you will get access_token. You need to put ...

Pushbullet notifications channel for Laravel

In your pushbullet account go to Account settings page. Click Create Access Token button and you will get access_token. You need to put it to config/services.

What Are Pushbullet Channels

Creating your own Channels. You can create your own Channels using this page. Once you've created a Channel, you'll need to share it to get people following it.